

百老汇备用网址4001:Hongxi Qin

In-school time:2013/09-2018/09
Grade: The class of 2013 doctor's graduate students
Major: Structural Wind Engineering
Supervisor:Prof. Xuhui He
Academic Title: Ph.D.
Degree: Doctor degree
Company: Central South University of Forestry and Technology
Title:Assistant Professor


百老汇备用网址4001:Education Background

》》2003/09-2007/06 Central South University, Engineering Mechanics, Bachelor

》》2008/09-2011/06 Central South University, Civil Engineering, Master

》》2017/01-2018/01 University of Notre Dame, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Government-sponsored combined cultivation of doctoral candidates

》》2013/09-2018/09 Central South University, Civil Engineering, Doctor

百老汇备用网址4001:Journal Papers

[1] Xuhui He, Hongxi Qin, Wenshuo Liu, Y.Frank Chen, Jianping Zhai, Lang Yu. Design, Analysis and Construction of a Steel Truss Cable-Stayed Bridge for High-Speed Railway in China.  Structural Engineering International, 2016, 26(4), 381-388.

[2] Xuhui He, Hongxi Qin, Tianyou Tao, Wenshuo Liu, Hao Wang. Measurement of Non-Stationary Characteristics of a Landfall Typhoon at the Jiangyin Bridge Site.  Sensors, 2017, 17(10), 2186-2200.

[3] Lingkun Chen, Hongxi Qin, Lizhong Jiang, Lei Xu. A vertical near fault scenario earthquakes based generic simulation framework for elastoplastic seismic analysis of light rail vehicle viaduct system. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2020, 58(6): 181-207.

[4] He Xuhui, Shi Kang, Wu Teng, Zou Yunfeng, Wang Hanfeng, Qin Hongxi. Aerodynamic performance of a novel wind barrier for train-bridge system. Wind and Structures, 2016, 23 (3): 171-189.

百老汇备用网址4001:Conference Papers

[1] Xuhui He, Hongxi Qin, Jianping Zhai, Lang Yu. Yujiang Steel-trussed Cable-stayed Bridge for High-speed Railway in China: Design, Analysis and Construction, Transportation Research Congress (TRC-2016), 2016.
